Friday, August 21, 2009

All the security programs I have..?

Please help me.. This is what I have

Planing to have these:

Spybot, search and destroy for spyware related

Smitfraudfix for trojan related

AVG 7.5 free antivirus so viruses won't get on my comp

Zone Alarm Personal Firewall so nothing gets through

Planing to delete these before I get the other stuff:

All my norton related stuff *firewall, antivirus*

is that a good combo sort?

All the security programs I have..?nortonantivirus

Yes, the combination you are going to get is quite good, even though I would have preferred a few modifications. First of all, it will be unnecessary to keep SmitfraudFix all the time in your computer. Just download and use it if you ever are infected by Smitfraud. Next, Comodo Personal Firewall is much more powerful and better than the ZoneAlarm Basic Firewall, so get it instead (it's free too). Now coming to the anti-spyware, SpyBot alone isn't sufficient for complete spyware protection, get another one like Windows Defender or Spyware Terminator (they have real time protection). SpyBot will get along easily with either of them. Also make sure that you DON'T enable the Tea Timer feature of SpyBot. No comments on the anti-virus part.

You should also use a safe web-surfing tool like McAfee Site Advisor or TrendProtect.

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