Friday, August 21, 2009

How many of you use the green, search for questions bar at the top of this page?

This has proven to be one of the most valuable tools on this program for finding information without using your points up.I typed in -free antivirus programs--free this --free that, and i got all the free stuff i wanted by checking all the answers--ITS AWESOME and costs you nothing.A good thing to use when you have run out of your daily points.--TRY IT.

How many of you use the green, search for questions bar at the top of this page?free spyware

All the time

How many of you use the green, search for questions bar at the top of this page?live update

Every time I press it,it says "Missile Launch Sequence something something'
I've never... but by the way you put it, it sounds great! :)
not i, said the cat...
I have, it's great isn't it!?
Oh lol I've never even noticed that! That is so sad... Uh I'll use it now...
I do, I do. (Hand is waving in the air). I love it I can search for any question I want and find it almost instantly.
I use it a lot
I use it. Found good info on websites and also on travel.
I use it too!

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