Friday, August 21, 2009

Help with dell dimension 2400?

Where can i get a free antivirus for my desktop online. i just got norton and i give up on it because it keeps telling me that i have another antivirus running and i know or think i don't have one install. but i have a virus an i need to get rid off it


Help with dell dimension 2400?norton antivirus 2007

AVG Free Edition is the best free anti virus ,at

least that is my opinion. My whole family and my friends use it, and it has worked great! Not one single problem among all of us who use it.

Be sure remove to ALL anti virus software from your computer. I think Norton has it's own uninstallation utility.

You seem to think it is possible that you may have some other anti virus software? If so, open your control panel and see if there is something there.

If so, uninstall it.

Google AVG FREE, and choose one that has Grisoft in the description.

Good luck. You won't be disappointed!

Help with dell dimension 2400?product key

First go to add remove programes in control panel and check if tou really dont have anyother antivirus programes on your dekstop.Then if you want to get another antivirus you can try AVG or Avast for free.However make sure you uninstall norton and other antivirus from your pc and restart the pc before installing a new one.
You can scan for viruses online at TrendMicro. You can do this regardless of what antivirus is installed. After that, uninstall Norton. Then you can get free antivirus such as AVG or Avast. Look at control panel, add/remove programs to see if you might have some other antivirus installed first.
Whether AVG or Norton antivirus programs, they have pros and cons. The most important thing is to update its virus definition regularly (daily, recommended) to handle thousands of computer viruses over the Internet and USB thumbdrive.

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