Monday, August 17, 2009

Bad anti virus site?

I wrote this morning complaining about Avira screwing up my computer. One guy wrote back that I could get free antivirus software from DO NOT GO ON THIS SITE. I have WOT(Web of trust), which like site advisor warns you about dangerous sites. When I typed in that website, WOT warned me that this was a dangerous site!

Bad anti virus site?pop up blocker

The bottom line is.. you are posting on a public web board... the people on here are most likely not professional technicians and/or not professional information security professionals (like myself), etc.. and are many times providing biased advice that has no basis in reality and is oftentimes (as you have unfortunately found out) is malicious in nature.

The best possible solution for 99.9% of the people posting on this site is to invest in a proper security suite that includes complete protection (antivirus, firewall, antispyware, etc) and nis from preferably one RELIABLE vendor (like McAfee or Norton) and is properly configured and kept completely up to date...

this coupled with current windows updates, safe browsing habits and above all... common sense. That's it.

You don't need a bunch of freeware junk or anyhting else... just one good suite that is properly maintained and some common sense.

Good Luck

Bad anti virus site?systemworks

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