Saturday, August 15, 2009

What does it mean when your PC makes an electric buzz sounding noise every now and then ?

And if you think it's a virus what free antivirus software can I download ?

What does it mean when your PC makes an electric buzz sounding noise every now and then ?antivirus programs

it all depends on the buzz. If its buzzing when your accessing files, its just the hard drive seeking, if it buzzing randomly then one of your fans have bad berrings and needs to be replaced. if its buzzing when you have a cd in the drive its your cd drive. But its is NOT a virus.

What does it mean when your PC makes an electric buzz sounding noise every now and then ?computer protection

It could be a fan also do you have something in your DVD/CD palyer? DVD/CD player when not in a quiet mode will buzzz.
I think it might be your harddrive being accessed,unless it's acompanied by smoke then you'd have big problems! Probably not a virus tough.....
go ahead with panda online check if you dont want to download the av

you check your pc online in panda av

it ll fix
That buzz can be problem with your hardware.Watch out.
actullay the buzzing sound comes when computer is doing work it's not so worrying when the pc have many task to perform then the sound comes
Mine just did that and I had it checked and it was the power supply. It was fried and the fan couldn't work properly. The computer started shutting down (just turning off) and I thought I had a virus but it was just overheating. I got a new power supply and fan installed for about $100.

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